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Journal Radioengineering №4 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Experimental study of a fragment of a corporate mobile radio network based on RoF technology
mobile networks
Radio-over-Fiber technology
mobile stand
the experiment
the characteristics of the communication channel
the service area
S.A. Bukashkin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Member of Russian Cryptography Academy, General Designer, JSC «Concern «Avtomatika»
E-mail: mail@ao-avtomatika.ru
M.I. Naryshkin - Deputy Commander of Military Unit (Moscow)
E-mail: nmi@rambler.ru
Current and future corporate communication networks are increasingly ori-vide clues on the one hand, the use of complex solutions that association functions of data transfer and process communication, and on the other hand - for maximum versatility and tactical flexibility, which, in particular, requires the presence of consisting of network segments both fixed and mobile. Requirements for mobile radio segment of the corporate network significantly depend on the specific features of the functioning of the corporation (department), but in most cases the subscriber base (and hence the required channel capacity of the network) is relatively small compared to public networks. In most cases, the network coverage area are located in the business and industrial areas of cities, including metropolises, and the architecture and network topology includes a radially-zonal structure of the coverage area. Such a decision may not be possible if only because of the acute shortage of elevated structures (poles), which may be allowed placement of antennas of base (pivot) stations considerable capacity to serve large areas, not to mention the possibilities of the construction of new towers. A promising solution for building coverage area (or part thereof) as a set of compact service area with base stations relatively little power and antennae are placed on existing buildings (structures), is the use of technology «Radio over fiber» (Radio-over-Fiber - RoF). This solution allows maximum use of the available resources of the transport fiber-optic network, and completely eliminate the presence of the base station network hardware crypto and simulation protection of information and signaling, including the management team, so that the base station can be realized unattended and unguarded.
mobile stand has been implemented and tested for the experimental verification of the basic features of such networks. In addition, techniques have been developed to assess the major parameters of the quality of communication channels. Experimental studies were carried out on a specially selected Mr. site in the city with typical urban development. Obtained results of experimental studies, including latency, frame loss and signal / noise ratio, under different conditions. Based on extrapolation of the results obtained, given the nature of the communication range, depending on the parameters of the transmitters and antennas, criteria were established for designing the service areas of base stations under different input data. The experimental results showed capacity for work of the decision to build a network of mobile radio fragment to a-RoF technology basis.
Pages: 98-102
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