350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №4 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
The antenna system of central stations large area corporate mobile radio networks
mobile radio communications
central station
circular antenna array
directional diagram
A.L. Buzov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, First Deputy General Director for Science and Innovative Development, JSC «Concern «Avtomatika»
E-mail: buzov@ao-avtomatika.ru
A.D. Krasilnikov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Deputy Head STC of Radio Systems, JSC «Concern «Avtomatika»
E-mail: kad@ao-avtomatika.ru
S.V. Saldaev - Senior Officer of Army Group (Moscow)
E-mail: ssv2123@yandex.ru
In all daily activities are more widespread mobile radio network providing telephone services, video, data, etc. An analysis of network classifications were identified large area corporate mobile radio network. Under such mobile radio networks in this article refers to the professional communications network, the structure of which has a large area. Enlargement large area shows the composition of cor-porate networks is immovably radio. The basic requirements for an antenna system using-emym composed of base stations, including the requirements for building a topology, conditions of use, the type used by the polarization, frequency-territorial planning, etc.
Examples of the technical implementation of the antenna systems, in particular, considered sector antennas are linear array antennas (T pole and the X pole) and annular arrays (CAR). Particular attention is paid to the principle scheme and the spatial multiplexing.
The existing antenna solutions that are used in mobile radio networks, both domestic and foreign production. The calculations of the radiation pattern for the CAR with radiators vertical and circular polarization. It is shown that in the case of circular polarization, Nam in azimuth plane is more uniform, which, along with the above advantages, allows to draw a conclusion about the appropriateness of antenna systems with circular polarization when radio organization. Of course, this should be addressed at the same time questions the radiation-on / reception of circularly polarized waves at the plant.
Overall, the analysis suggests that the promising areas of improvement of the antenna systems to further enhance the quality of service large area corporate networks of mobile radio communication in a complex of natural or urban terrain is the use of mixed (circular) polarization, multiple transmit / receive polarization and spatial diversity and «intelligent» systems with adaptive formation of DN.
Pages: 81-86
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