350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №3 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Principles of hardware implementation measurement system range in the hudroacoustic channel
B. I. Filippov - Ph. D. (Eng. ), Associate Professor, Department of Information Protection, Novosibirsk State Technical University
E-mail: Fillippov-boris@rambler. ru
G. A. Chernetsky - Ph. D. (Eng. ), Professor, Department of Radio Technical Devices, Siberian StateUniversity of Telecommunications and Information Sciences
This paper examines options for building a distance measuring system (DMS) between the measured object (MO) and multifunctional hydroacoustic stations (MHS). On the basis of analysis of the distance measurement methods used in underwater acoustics, proved the feasibility of application to measure the distance between the MO and MHS of active pulse method under the «request-response». Proposed as DMS signals use pulsed signals with two-frequency coverage. Comparative analysis of options is producedfor the con-struction of the DMS devices. As a base for the construction of equipment made digital receiving device that provides non-coherent reception of signals «in general. « The evaluation of the energy performance of hydroacoustic links is done.
Pages: 40-49
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