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Journal Radioengineering №3 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Method of measurement of characteristics of radio materials at superhigh frequencies
A.N. Borcov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Deputy Head of Department, Joint-Stock Company The Engineering and Marketing Center of the Vega Corporation (The EMC of the VEGA Corporation)
Е-mail: borcov@imc-vega.ru
I.V. Ilushin - Ph.D. (Eng.)
Е-mail: ivi52@mail.ru
E.A. Devina - Head of sector, Joint-Stock Company The Engineering and Marketing Center of the Vega Corporation (The EMC of the VEGA Corporation)
Е-mail: leno4kavl@mail.ru
K.L. Devin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Deputy Head of Laboratory, Joint-Stock Company The Engineering and Marketing Center of the Vega Corporation (The EMC of the VEGA Corporation)
Е-mail: yandex81@yandex.ru
At researches of polymeric composition radio materials in most cases index of refraction or the related values of dielectric permittivity need to be measured. The problem of similar measurements is most urgent at frequencies over 1,0 GHz where the list of possible approaches is limited to the methods based on laws of reflection and refraction of radiowaves.
For the solution of the put problem one of possible approaches based on the analysis of special points of the frequency dependence of a reflectivity of an incident electromagnetic wave from a surface of the studied exemplar is offered. At the description of a method the case of normal falling of an electromagnetic wave on the dielectric layer located on a metal substrate is proposed.
The method can be realized by means of any measuring equipment allowing to perform measurements of the module of a reflectivity in a frequency band. The indispensable condition of normal falling of an electromagnetic wave on a surface of the studied exemplar is reached by use of a parting of the rectangular extending wave guide.
Experience of use of the method based on the analysis of singular points of amplitude-frequency characteristics of a reflectivity showed that in the best degree it is applicable to non-magnetic materials, at which refractive index and . In this case the combined uncertainty of measurements as the real and imaginary parts of an index of refraction of materials does not exceed 10% that it is quite enough for practical use. Advantages of a method are its simplicity, efficiency and the low requirements imposed to exemplars for measurements.
Pages: 27-31
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