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Journal Radioengineering №2 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
On the question of calibrating the receiving modules of the large aperture active phased array radar
active phased array (APAR)
calibration signal
calibration coefficient
coherent packet of radio pulses
Yu.A. Shishov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Senior Research Scientist, Mozhaysky Military Space Academy (Saint Petersburg)
E-mail: urshishov@gmail.com
M.G. Vakhlov - Research Scientist, Mozhaysky Military Space Academy (Saint Petersburg)
E-mail: mihail54@yandex.ru
Material is stated in the article about new approach to calibration of the reception modules of Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) directed to increase of reliability of results of calibration. Results of development of suggestions for improvement of ways of calibration the large aperture AESA. Improved calibration techniques can accomplish the following tasks: increase of reliability of calibration of reception modules or reception channels (receiving and transmitting modules - RTM) of AESA on the basis of application of special calibration signals; increase of accuracy of calibration on the basis of application of digital methods of formation of calibration coefficients and alignment of complex coefficients of transfer of RTM; decrease in power losses due to absorption from structure of RTM of the operated attenuators and phase shifter.
The main type of antennas of modern Radar Systems of distant detection (more than 100 km) are active phase lattices with digital formation of the directional pattern) ? the so-called digital antenna lattices (DAL) which linear sizes of an aperture, make tens of meters. The size of an aperture can be, for example, 100Х100 m, and number of reception modules several thousands of pieces. The structure of reception modules, includes amplifiers, frequency converters, generators, phase shifters, attenuators which parameters aren\'t absolutely identical owing to the technological reasons, temperature influences, aging of their elements. Therefore the amplitude-phase distribution of the field on an aperture of the antenna becomes uneven that leads to decrease in her coefficient of strengthening and growth of level of side petals of the directional pattern. For saving the main characteristics of AESA in use Radar Systems, it is necessary to carry out periodically the calibration of PM directed to restoration of identity of complex coefficients of transfer. For this purpose on entrances of the calibrated reception modules and on an entrance of the base reception module give calibration signals, measure characteristics of output signals and on the basis of their comparison form the signals operating complex coefficients of transfer of the calibrated modules. Sources of calibration signals can be external and internal (built-in).
Frequency of carrying out calibration works, measurement of degree of need of those for this article wasn\'t considered and demands further researches.
The comparative state-of-the-art review of the known technical solutions on calibration of the active phased lattices is carried out.
For illustrate method carrying out calibration works is offered block diagram of the device realizing the offered way of calibration of the reception modules AESA.
The following practical recommendations for carrying out calibration of the AESAreception modules are offered: a) it is expedient to use the internal (built-in) source of a calibration signal at calibration the large aperture of the active phased lattices; b) calibration of the transferring and reception channels is expedient to make separately and independently from each other at calibration of send-receive modules; c) for calibration signal to apply coherent pack N radio impulses, the power of each of which lies in a power range of the signals accepted from the purposes, with the subsequent coherent consecutive accumulation of output signals; d) formation of calibration signals and alignment of complex coefficients of transfer of reception channels to make by digital methods in system of processing of signals of Radar System.
Pages: 85-92
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