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Journal Radioengineering №2 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
The use of the structural and noise interference for the raster display system information protection from the interception through compromising electromagnetic emanations
active disturbance
structural disturbance
raster display system
compromising electromagnetic emanations
technical channel of information leakage
the interception of information
A.V. Parshutkin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Systems and Means of Radio-Electronic Struggle for Space Purposes, Mozhaysky Military Space Academy (Saint Petersburg)
E-mail: andydc2010@mail.ru
A.V. Egin - Post-graduate Student, Department of Systems and Means of Radio-Electronic Struggle for Space Purposes, Mozhaysky Military Space Academy (Saint Petersburg)
The confidential information can be overhear by measuring and analyzing the compromising electromagnetic emanations from infor-mation technology equipment. One of the most dangerous channels of the leakage is the using of the compromising electromagnetic emanations of raster display systems. In this paper, the radiated signals from video display by digital visual interface (DVI) cable is analyzed. Additive noise generators for the information protection from the interception bring in radio disturbance to technical equipment of mobile digital communication. therefore, developing capabilities to suppress receivers of compromising electromagnetic emanations with use of minimum necessary power of the interference is relevant in the context of stringent requirements of electromagnetic compatibility of technical means.
This article discusses using of the additive structural and noise radio disturbance for the information protection of raster display system from the interception through compromising electromagnetic emanations. Mathematical model of compromising electromagnetic emanations receiver jamming is developed. The model include submodels of compromising electromagnetic emanations, additive structural and noise radio disturbance generator as well as compromising electromagnetic emanations receiver. Principals, limits and requirements of modeling of jamming to compromising emanations receiver are described in.
Model of compromising electromagnetic emanations for DVI interface is described. These emanations are generated by electric signals on the display panel or the cable between the computer display controller and the monitor. Model of ultra wideband radio signals from the low-voltage differential signaling link from display controller to the display panel is used. Characteristics of the digital signal are analyzed and electromagnetic emissions of digital signals are researched. Although the input followed the same DVI standard, resolution and frame rate, the amplitude and timing parameters of their emanations differed because of internal and external destabilizing factors. These factors are known as jitter. Therefore only not coherent compromising electromagnetic emanations receiver may be used. The leaked signals may be received by technical means with unknown architecture and unidentified parameters. In the article developed a mathematical model for optimal receiver for two colors image on raster display systems contained amplitude detector, two correlation and single comparison units.
This article discusses the possibility of suppression of the receiver compromising electromagnetic radiation by structural and noise radio disturbance. The quasi-optimal receiver performance in white Gaussian and structural disturbance is evaluated by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The simple dependences are received, allowing to conduct researches of quality of structure disturbance on an output of not coherent receiver. Results of the analysis of the most typical situations are resulted.
Pages: 69-76
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