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Journal Radioengineering №2 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Algorithms operation syntheses in sar in conditions of the radar anti-jamming
Synthetic aperture radar
noise stability
space-time processing
radar anti-jamming
A.P. Ryzhkov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Information Systems and Information Security», Tambov State Technical University
E-mail: raptmaec@mail.ru
G.N. Nurutdinov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Information Systems and Information Security», Tambov State Technical University
E-mail: nurutgn@mail.ru
One of the main ways of increase of a noise stability of functioning of RLS in the conditions of influence of hindrances is transition to multi-channel systems from which the greatest opportunities systems of space-time processing of signals possess.
In the article on the basis of using the methods of Markov filtering theory with regard to multi-channel system, some theoretical statements of optimal and quasi-optimal signal processing algorithms in SAR solving problems of the Earth surface mapping in conditions of the jamming are formulated. The received optimal and quasi-optimal algorithms allow to receive the radar image of the district in conditions of the radar anti-jamming. However for use of these algorithms it is necessary to have information on hindrances which in practice often is absent, or it is known approximately that interferes with achievement of high precision of a filtration of parameters of a radar relief (RLR). In such conditions one of ways of increase of accuracy of a filtration of RLR is creation of algorithms, adaptive to unknown parameters of hindrances.
On the basis of adaptive Bayes approach adaptive quasi-linear and suboptimal signal processing algorithms in SAR in conditions of the radar anti-jamming are synthesized. Adaptive signal processing algorithms in SAR solving problems of mapping of a terrestrial surface in conditions of the jamming estimate along with information parameters the accompanying parameters the characterizing interfering sig-nals. Can act as the accompanying parameters both unknown elements of a correlation matrix of hindrances and unknown parameters of interfering signals. Simplification of adaptive algorithms possibly as due to use of a constant matrix the a posteriori of dispersions of er-rors of filtration, and at the expense of a rupture of insignificant communications in structure of adaptive algorithm.
Pages: 37-46
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