350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №2 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
The group codec with differential pulse modulation on the basis of the differential scheme of transformation of the remains of a prediction design
group differential pulse code modulation codec
multichannel transmitting system
coordinating prediction
power spectrum density
I.V. Kuznetsov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Telecommunication Systems, Ufa State Aviation Technical University
E-mail: tks@ugatu.ac.ru
A.H. Sultanov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Telecommunication Systems, Ufa State Aviation Technical University
E-mail: tks@ugatu.ac.ru
P.E. Filatov - Senior Lecturer, Department of Telecommunication Systems, Ufa State Aviation Technical University
E-mail: filatovpe@gmail.com
E.A. Smirnova - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Informatics, Ufa State Aviation Technical University
E-mail: seaea@mail.ru
This paper studies issues of clustered Differential Pulse Code Modulation (DPCM) on the basis of difference conversion circuit of pre-diction remainder. Main idea of the clustered codec is in implementation of common prediction towards several (or all) channels of multichannel communication system which leads to bit rate and data processing computation efforts reduction while keeping same amount of transferred data. An objective of the clustered DPCM involves energy deficiency overcoming and autonomous multichannel communication systems resource efficiency increase - satellite, unmanned and other mobile communication systems.
Suggested structural decision of DPCM on the basis of difference conversion circuit of prediction remainder allows fixing total amplitude (dynamic range) of transferred signals on each communication channel, reduce bit rate and hereafter simplify data synchronization.
This paper introduces a mathematical model of the clustered (dual-channel) DPCM converter. It provides method of coordinated pre-dictor synthesis on the basis of modified Wiener-Hopf equation. The results are verified with coordinated predictor synthesis examples and illustrated with simulation modeling diagrams. It is shown that dynamic range of difference signals could be reduced twice as input signal if transferred data bit grid is the same. Further research issues on DPCM predictors are also defined.
The subject matter of this paper is a progression of the theory of clustered codec formation considered in the article «Development of clustered codec with differential pulse-code modulation of signals for multichannel energy deficient communication systems» published in 2015 in the Journal «Radiotekhnika» #2 (p. 87−91).
Pages: 23-30
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