A.L. Gorbunov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor, Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation E-mail: a.gorbunov@mstuca.aero
E.E. Nechaev – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Air Traffic Control, Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation
E-mail: e.nechaev@mstuca.aero
P.S. Surint – Post-graduate Student, Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation;
Federal State Unitary Enterprise «State ATM Corporation» E-mail: pavelsurint@gmail.com
The unprofitability of the air traffic control (ATC) in small airports brought the issue of ATC at such facilities to the focus of ATC managers worldwide. It stimulates the development of remote tower systems, which already operate in several airports. Main contributions of this article are 1) a detailed concept of a virtual remote control tower based on the data of automatic dependent surveillance and 2) a design of experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed concept.
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