A.I. Gordeev – Deputy Director of LLC «Intelsob» (Ulyanovsk)
E-mail: Gordeev.gai@mail.ru
V.E. Voitovich – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Head of AS «Clifton Electronics» (Tartu, Republic of Estonia) E-mail: vvoitovitsh@gmail.com
A.V. Zvonarev – Leading Specialist, LLC «Intelsob» (Ulyanovsk) E-mail: eduhelper@yandex.ru
The paper deals with the issues connected with the unique energetics of LPE GaAs single crystals doped by amphoteric atoms of silicon with new semiconductor and dielectric properties. Obtained and projected electrophysical properties of LPE GaAs single crystals allow, using the new principles of physical modeling, to put into practice the complete range of devices belonging to different classes and groups which ever have been created on the basis of widely known semiconductor materials, such as silicon, germanium, silicone carbide, gallium nitride, indium phosphide, gallium phosphide etc.
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