O.A. Gevorgian – Engineer of the 2nd category, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow); Post-graduate Student, Moscow Technological University (MIREA)
E-mail: useworkstudy@hotmail.com
This article is about the energy and spectral efficiency signal formats, that meet the requirements for transmission and reception systems of the occupied bandwidth and reliability of reception. The author applys perspective methods of modulation widely used and included in various telemetry standards. The selected signals are examined and analyzed from various points of view, in particular using computer modeling and information available via open sources. The author provides basic information, mathematical description, characteristics, reveal advantages and disadvantages. This paper shows that the main problem of realization of a receiving device are the complexity and resource intensity. There is a number of questions which are not still widely studied on this topic. The author develops recommendations of applicability of the described types of modulation.
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