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Journal Radioengineering №1 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
The functional efficiency of nonlinear radar to detect small objects
S.S. Zwierzynski - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor
I.V. Parfentsev - Ph. D. (Eng.), Assistant Professor
V.N. Tkach
Over time, the scope of the NRL is continuously expanding, respectively, increased product range, manufactured in Russia and abroad. Although the theoretical foundations of the nonlinear process known radar for a long time, well-known mathematical models describing different origin of the signal in the NRL, resulting in contradictory consequences for the choice of rational parameters of the NRL, as well as estimates of «useful» non-linear properties of the target. This situation hinders the objective comparison of functional efficiency of products from different manufacturers, the search for ways to improve the NRL. In this paper an attempt by «smoothing» the majority of the existing contradictions.
The proposed physical model HO and these relations allowed to remove some of the contradictions in the theory of the NRL-convert and give a comparative assessment of the functional efficiency - detectability of products from different manufacturers.
Pages: 45-48
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