350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №1 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Implementation of machine learning algorithms for spot magnetic characteristics of intrusion detectors enhancement
spot magnetic intrusion detector
magnetoresistive transducer
mathematical model
machine learning
intruder detection probability
E.I. Dukhan - Ph. D. (Eng.), Assistant Professor
А.E. Dukhan
V.Yu. Sazonov
The practical interest is the assessment of potential characteristics TMSO block decision-making (BDM), which is based on the classical threshold circuit or uses advanced mathematical algorithms for machine learning. This study was conducted to CO with horizontal placement of the two SE, each of which consists of three MPD, equipped with a magnetic concentrator system (MS), and ensuring registration of the three spatial components of the magnetic field caused by the presence in a controlled area of the magnetized object detection.
Further studies TMSO based MRD can be directed to the development of the algorithm for determining not only the height but also the transverse coordinate NGO movement, as well as to search for the optimal location of the primary converters in a controlled space.
Pages: 23-26
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