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Journal Radioengineering №1 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
The use of fiber-optic measuring networks of deformation fields monitoring for territorially distributed field security systems
fiber-optic information-measuring systems
fiber-optic measuring line
optical fiber
phase interferometric methods
I.N. Kryukov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor
I.V. Denisov - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Assistant Professor
A.V. Kiper - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor
In contrast to known security systems, the represented fiber-optic measuring networks are able to control of the significant extent surface and in real time to determine the exact location and size of external influences on the control field. Required parameters of fiber optic measuring network and especially the construction of a monitoring system are determined by the specifics of the controlled objects and purpose of their guarding. In particular, the fiber-optical measuring network designed for guarding of long fields, allow the territorially distributed field security systems to identify unauthorized access to the controlled area. If the fiber-optic measuring network designed for monitor of the loading surface status (roof, tunnel and girder construction), the relevant monitoring system will identify the local construction area with threatening deformities and prevent the threat of dangerous situations.
The referred ways configurations of fiber-optic measuring networks allow you to select the desired measuring circuit and implement effective detection of external deformation effects that allows the reconstruction of these influences in the following data processing sub-systems from the measuring network in order to perform security monitoring for territorially distributed field security systems in the control structures of long objects.
Pages: 5-11
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