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Journal Radioengineering №9 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Ontological approach to knowledge structuring in the project company
A.M. Namestnikov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Information Systems», Ulyanovsk State Technical University E-mail: nam@ulstu.ru
Design of the modern automated systems (AS) is an example of extremely difficult human activities requiring involvement of highly qualified specialists from different data domains. Information support will be organized according to the main stages of project activities. Set of knowledge which is required to the subject of design in development process of a new product can be divided into two categories: system knowledge and situational knowledge. Existence of stable relations and properties of objects and phenomena of the objective world is characteristic of system knowledge. A source of such knowledge often is scientific and technical literature. In turn, situational knowledge often reflects communications, collocated to a certain situation and relations. Information for situational knowledge contains in methodological, normative and technical, production and reference books. The ontology as a component for intellectual system of information support of AS design is aimed at the solution of such tasks which effective solution requires semantic processing of heterogeneous information resources and the accounting of basic incompleteness of the information connected to natural language (text resources and notations applied in project activities (for example, UML, IDEF0, IDEF3, DFD and IDEF1X)). In introduction to this article relevance of ontological approach in design of difficult hardware and software systems is justified. In the first part knowledge structure of the project organization is given, the principal components of knowledge which are important in project procedures are defined. The second part contains the main requirements to ontology of information support of a designer. The theoretic model of information support ontology consisting of metalevels is given in the third part of article. Results of computing experiments are given in the fourth part. In the inference the main results of research are listed.
Pages: 77-83


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