350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №8 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
New error correction methods for high speed data transfer and storage
error-correction coding
self-orthogonal codes
multithreshold decoders
symbolical codes
coding gain
earth remote sensing
optical channel
flash memory
V.V. Zolotarev - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Senior Research Scientist, Space Research Institute of RAS (Moscow). E-mail: zolotasd@yandex.ru
G.V. Ovechkin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail: g_ovechkin@mail.ru
Methods of error correction coding are used for reliable control of spacecrafts and transmitting of science and technological information from aboard the spacecraft to Earth and backward. These methods increase capacity of space and satellite channels many times. The article deals with modern error correction codes and corresponded decoders. Among them multithreshold decoder (MTD) is allocated as it able to provide near optimum decoding of correctly chosen self-orthogonal codes with linear implementation complexity. It\'s shown the hardware MTD implemented with SRI RAS is able to provide decoding rate more than 1 Gbit/s, decoding bit error rate less than 10−7 at signal to noise ratio per bit about 1,8 dB.
Performance of MTD over the optical communication channel is discussed also. This type of communication requires destination bit error rate about 10−15 and lower and very high decoding rate. It\'s shown the MTD is able to fulfill these requirements. Similar low error rate is required with data storage systems such as flash memory. It\'s shown binary MTD provides bit error rate about 10−15 at channel bit error rate 0,011 for codes with code rate 3/4. Additionally symbolical MTD are discussed in the paper. This type of MTD is convenient to use for error correction in data storages and many other systems. It\'s shown MTDs developed with SRI RAS and RSREU for codes with arbitrary symbol and code length allow to provide symbol error rate in 3-5 decimal orders lower than decoders for Reed-Solomon codes and simultaneously in hundreds times more decoding rate. So it\'s shown the optimizing coding theory constructed MTD allows to develop simplest and very effective error correction method which can be used in different earth remote sensing systems for digital data transfer to the Erath and storage.
Pages: 104-109
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