350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Processing Fuzzy images obtained from unmanned aerial vehicles in the regime of flight over inhomogeneous terrain with fractal-scaling and integral methods
A.A. Potapov - Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Member of Russian A.M. Prokhorov Academy of Engineering. E-mail: potapov@cplire.ru
A task of detecting objects including stealthy ones at fuzzy images which are obtained from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) has been considered. As before the investigation is conducted within the framework of fractal-scaling thresholding including an adaptive threshold. At the same time issues of processing the images from UAV basing on the integer Lebesgue measure have been also considered. Currently the inadequacy of conventional physical models is clearly felt. Effectiveness of radio physical researches can be significantly enhanced by taking into account fractality of wave phenomena which develop at every stage of radiation, scattering and propagation of waves in different media. Revolutionary steps which consist in transfer of integer measure signals obtained by a system to the fractional measure space and following calling of scaling ratios allow to bring absolutely new ideas and methods into conventional areas of classical radio physics and radio electronics and to get results rather unexpected for practice which are however physically valid. The fractal radio systems conception, sampling topology, global fractal-scaling approach and the fractal paradigm underlies the scientific direction established by the author in Russia and over the world for the first time. The author has been investigating these issues for exactly 35 years. In the author\'s works the determinant conception of processing of low-contrast images was from the beginning involved unlike foreign works. The basis of the fractal detecting theory is results of fractal researches of essentiality of processes occurring during using the fractional measure theory and physical scaling theory in the radiolocation. In our opinion the obtained researches of the new experimental data in aggregate with the previous data give us enough information for proving of the fundamentals of theory and methods which were put forward by the author as long ago as the end of XX century. Application of fractals, scaling effects and fractional operators may mean the future of radio electronics because all the previous and current radio electronics is based solely (and only!) on the theory of integer-valued functions and does not take into account the fractional measure in information theory. Introduction of the fractal conception into radio physics, radio location, radio engineering and functional radio electronics is not only proved but is required.
Pages: 119-124


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