350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №6 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
New microcircuit of the master slice array MSA-2.1 for the design of the radiation-hardened analog and analog-digital interfaces of the sensor systems
analog integrated circuits
sensor interface
analog master slice
analog master slice array
configurable structured array
radiation hardness
O.V. Dvornikov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Main Research Scientist, PLC «Minsk Research Instrument-Making Institute». E-mail: Oleg_dvornikov@tut.by
V.A. Chekhovsky - Head of Laboratory, Research Institute for Nuclear Problems of Belarusian State University (Minsk). E-mail: vtchek@hep.by
V.L. Dyatlov - Junior Research Scientist, PLC «Minsk Research Instrument-Making Institute». E-mail: nitnelaff@gmail.com
N.N. Prokopenko - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department «Information Systems and Radio Engineering», Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don). E-mail: prokopenko@sssu.ru
The new master slice array MSA-2.1 and the design capabilities of the integrated circuits of the sensor analog signal processing on this array are considered. The vertical n-p-n- and p-n-p- bipolar transistors (BTs) with the transition frequency higher than 1.5 GHz and p-channel JFETs are used for increasing the radiation hardness of the created ICs as active elements of MSA. The selection of the operation-routing sequence of the AMSA production is substantiated. The parameter variation of the designed BTs under the influence of the electron flow with the energy of 4MeV and gamma radiation of 60Co is described. The simplified topology of the macrocell and the MSA is shown.
The MSA-2.1 encloses 960 resistors, 96 capacitors, 288 low-power n-p-n- transistors and 288 p-n-p- ones, 8 high power n-p-n- tran-sistors and 12 high power p-n-p- ones, 36 high-power p-JFETs. The high-power p-JFETs are recommended to be used only in the inputs of the analog ICs.
The wiring of the interconnections of the elements allows two levels of the interconnections: inside the analog unit - the first level, between the units - the second level, between the elements - lot less than two wires. The wiring on the resistors (1-5 wires) is possible.
The various microcircuits on the formed slices of MSA can be produces by any instrument-making enterprise which can realize the in-terconnections of the integrated elements on two levels with the following parameters: the 1-st level - the width of the interconnection (of the metal) 4.5 μm with the spacing 1.5 μm; the 2-nd level - the width of the interconnection (of the metal) 9.0 μm with the spacing 3.0 μm.
The example of the realization of the op amp on one macrocell of the MSA-2.1 is given.
Pages: 163-168
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