350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №4 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Modeling of radio-emitting cable for the calculations of intrabuilding electromagnetic compatibility of radio equipment, composite tunnel complexes mobile radio
mobile radio
compact grouping
areas of shading
base station antennas
feeder radiating
electrodynamic modeling
electromagnetic compatibility
M.A. Minkin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Main Research Scientist, JSC «Concern «Avtomatika». E-mail: mma@oao-avtomatika.ru
S.S. Telegin - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Laboratory of Information Technologies, JSC «Concern «Avtomatika». E-mail: tss@oao-avtomatika.ru
This article is about a way to modeling radiating feeder to reach electromagnetic compatibility of compact radio equipment for composite tunnel complexes mobile radio by replacing radiating feeder equivalent point emitter. Electromagnetic field of radiating feeder is modeled as infinite distributed source excitated by progressing wave. It is shown that model with equivalent source allows to obtain upper-bound estimate of radiating cable field, suitable for calculating electromagnetic compatibility. Analytical equations connecting energetic parameters of equivalent emitter to radiating cable specification are obtained. Ways to analyze electrodynamic system containing wire antennas, radiating feeders and enclosing structures based on suggested model and widely spread applications are discussed. Examples of calculations to ensure electromagnetic compatibility are listed.
Pages: 113-117
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