350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №4 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Methods of determining the statutory laborious of R & D, taking into account the technical characteristics of the developed equipment
E.A. Buzova - Deputy Commander of Department, JSC «Concern «Avtomatika». E-mail: bea@oao-avtomatika.ru A.V. Vlasenko - Deputy General Director of Economics, JSC «Concern «Avtomatika». E-mail: avlasenko@niia.ru V.A. Nagornov - Head of Department of Business Operation Coordination, JSC «Concern «Avtomatika». E-mail: nagornov@niia.ru N.A. Nosov - Ph. D. (Eng.), First Deputy Commander STC of radio system, JSC «Concern «Avtomatika». E-mail: nna@oao-avtomatika.ru
In determining the complexity of work used existing techniques and regulations applicable in the workplace. The literature identified a number of well-known methods for determining the complexity and prognosis in relation to the stage of work: comparative method, the total valuation method, the analytical method of technical regulation (computational and experimental), the method of expert assessment of structural and technological complexity, cost and statistical methods. In accordance with the selected method is determined by the method of calculating the cost of ongoing or planned to do the work. High-end technology equipment industry specific special occasion has its own characteristics of technical implementation, so to conventional techniques require a supplement taking into account such features. The coefficients of technical complexity used in the relevant feasibility collections developed in large enterprises carrying out thematic scientific and technical work, are a diverse group of coefficients for a particular technical direction. Each of these coefficients has a gradation according to the specific numerical values defining the technical indicator. Application of coefficients, taking into account the peculiarities of the technical realization of the equipment allows to approximate the complexity of a predicted objectively necessary for the execution of works. Such an approach is necessary, as the company Executive is a real need for the planning effort and the customer (including missions to the customer) in the consideration of calculation of settlement and materials on the work and making objective decisions about taking the complexity, actually required the company to the executive for the job.
Pages: 93-99


  1. Badalov V.V., Buzova E.A., Vlasenko A.V., Nagornov V.A., Nosov N.A. Principy razrabotki normativnykh trudoemkostejj NIOKR po sozdaniju oborudovanija specialnojj svjazi, vypolnjaemykh v nauchno-issledovatelskikh predprijatijakh // Radiotekhnika. 2015. № 4. S. 12−17.