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Journal Radioengineering №4 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Research of antennas based on fractal structures for mobile radio access points of network with RoF technology
mobile networks
Radio-over-Fiber technology
broadband access
fractal antennas
Sierpinski dipole
A.L. Buzov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Deputy General Director for Innovative Development - Head STC of radio system, JSC «Concern «Avtomatika». E-mail: buzov@oao-avtomatika.ru
S.A. Bukashkin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Academy of Cryptography of RF, General Director, JSC «Concern «Avtomatika». E-mail: fgup@niia.ru
M.I. Naryshkin - Deputy Commander of Military Unit (Moscow). E-mail: nmi@rambler.ru
Nowadays in order to modernize existing and design new mobile networks it is feasible to use «Radio-over-Fiber» (RoF) technology. One of the peculiarities of this technology is transmit of radio signal from fiber into radio without transient information signal on base station (BS) which leads into BS design simplification and reduces costs. Besides, the upsides of this technology include opacity in terms of data transfer rate and modulation, duplex, possibility of application in systems with spectral multiplexing, broadband and compactification which is important for BS design.
In order to further increase efficiency of projected communication networks using RoF technology it is suggested to use fractal antennas as part of BS. Usage of fractal geometry in antenna design allows creation of efficient broadband properties due to self-similar structure. Besides, such antennas are electrically long while having small geometry sizes and comparable to traditional fullscale antenna solutions gain.
Methods of hybrid integral equations (IE) Fredholm first kind, second kind, IE with surface integrals bound with physical optics are suggested to analyze electrodynamics characteristics of antenna systems emitters.
Using «Scater» software suite (that utilizes hybrid methods) it was built and analyzed model of fractal antenna system - Sierpinski dipole.
Analysis of numerical results proved that such antenna system is broadband and thus suitable for applications in BS employing RoF technology.
Pages: 87-92
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