350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №2 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The two-channel system of information hiding with mutual channel noising
M.V. Shakursky - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Information and Electronic Service, Volga Region State University of Service (Togliatti). E-mail: M.Sakurskiy@gmail.com V.K. Shakursky - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department «Power Supply and Electrotechnics», Togliatti State University. E-mail: Shakurskiy@mail.ru
The article discusses the problem of increasing the capacity of a two-сhannel system with hidden information transferring. Improving the capacity is achieved through mutual channel signals noising. The receiving party is able to recover each of the signals. Researching of two-channel or, in general, two-component systems using steganographic masking chaotic signal is allowed to implement the invariant to the masking signal recovery algorithm of extraction of information by receiving side. It is allowed to implement stegano-graphic system with chaotic masking signal. This approach ensures a high efficiency of information hiding, however, the need to use two components steganographic container reduces the capacity of the transmission of information. One solution of capacity increasing of in-formation transferring system is to use mutual noising when the signal of one channel is masked by another channel signal. The proposed system has some drawbacks. In particular, no presence of the chaotic masking signal, which reduces the degree of hiding information on the one hand, and the recovery process is complicated on the other. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to use an iterative procedure for the recovery of useful information. Nevertheless, developed principle can be extended to more channels that allow to realize a multichannel system with the presence of a chaotic masking signal and provide increased carrier capacity. The article presents a mathematical model of the two-channel system with mutual channel signals noising, and conducted its numerical simulation. The simulation results showed the effectiveness of the reconstruction algorithm signal. The above schedule of reconstruction error for a fixed number of iterations. Conclusions are made.
Pages: 96-99


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