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Journal Radioengineering №12 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Investigation of iterative stochastic maximum likelihood DOA estimation in planar antenna arrays
rectangular antenna arrays
direction-of-arrival estimation
Yu.B. Nechaev - Honored Scientist of RF, Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Department of Information Systems, Voronezh State University
E-mail: nechaev_ub@mail.ru
A.I. Klimov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Infocommunication Systems and Technologies, Voronezh Institute of Ministry of Interior of RF
E-mail: alexserkos@inbox.ru
I.V. Peshkov - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Department of Radio Electronics and Computer Techniques, Bunin Yelets State University
E-mail: ilvpeshkov@gmail.com
The article describes a direction-finding systems with superresolution stochastic method likelihood composed of planar array antennas. The main advantage of this type of antenna configurations before, when several elements are arranged in a straight line, etc., is the ability to determine the coordinates of the signals in azimuth and elevation. However, to date the work devoted to a comparative study of ha-tics with superresolution direction finding for various configurations of planar antenna arrays, often relate to only one or two types, usually circular or rectangular. The article presents the conclusion of the direction vector and the factor L shaped array. Implemented adaptation of the method of Newton stochastic method likelihood for the two-dimensional direction finding in azimuth and elevation. Based on the expressions numerical simulation method likelihood a part of the ring, and L shaped antenna arrays, which consist of 24 antenna elements, the distance between adjacent elements is 0.5λ in different noise environments. The highest accuracy is obtained when using the L shaped array.
Pages: 37-43
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