350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №11 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The methodology realization of structure schemes with zero sensitivity
M.S. Bychkov - Engineer, Head of Team, JSC «NIIMA «Progress» (Moscow) E-mail: bychkov1975@yandex.ru
Using the feedforward-s structure to increase the dynamic range has long been known. However, this structure is one of a number of structures with zero sensitivity, which have been developed by Russian scientists for improving device characteristics. Application of structures has been called the structural method. In this paper we describe the methodology of transition from the structure to electrical circuits. The methodology has been developed for the generation of new integrated circuits: LNA and active mixers. The block diagram consists: basic elements, adders, attenuators and connections between them. The basic elements are divided into main and additional. The proposed methodology is based on the use of a new type of basic element: a simple stage with open collector. The methodology consists of two main stages. In the first stage, the replacement of the elements of the structure in their electrical equivalents. The equivalent circuits combined in two libraries: the basic elements and adders. The second step is to find the compensation conditions of nonlinear distortion of main base element. Search is based on the method of «distortion generator» when the scheme is a linear. In this case, found the conditions of compensation of nonlinear distortion in some cases, will be identical with the terms of the partial compensation of the noise. Methodology has been used for the study of efficiency of the structural method, when it obtained via a number of parameters were compared with the standard scheme. As a reference was used circuit having a maximum value of dynamic range. As a result, the comparative analysis it was shown that the new circuits is not inferior to the standard scheme in dynamic range and significantly superior in sensitivity to destabilizing factors.
Pages: 46-53


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