350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №1 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Radio technical objects classification on principles of radio electronic means archive adaptation to a current radio electronic environment
radio technical signals classification
radio electronic means
radiation source
integral image of a signal
casual mea-surement errors
radio technical signal
classification matrix
parametric space
V.F. Shpak - Ph. D. (Eng.), Head of Laboratory, JSC «Taganrog Scientific Research Institute of Communications». E-mail: niis@pbox.ttn/ru
A.V. Getmanchuk - Head of Sector, JSC «Taganrog Scientific Research Institute of Communications». E-mail: niis@pbox.ttn/ru
Questions of operative restoring of key parameters of radiation sources signals in the conditions of complicated dense jamming radio technical environment are considered. The procedure of automatic archive creation of radiating objects according to current radio electronic environment is proposed. Recommendations on time expenses decrease of radiating objects classification according to G.V. Sheleykhovskiy-s method are given. Classification of radio technical objects refers to a rank of problems of pattern recognition and is one of the major problems assigned to an automatic control system of radio technical complexes.
Classification of radio technical objects takes place in conditions of complicated dense jamming radio technical environment. A basis for classification of type of the detected radio electronic means by values of its radiation parameters is the corresponding catalogue saved in memory of the automatic control system. The analysis of G.V. Sheleykhovskiy-s algorithm shows, that there are the optimization paths, allowing to boost productivity of the given method, and also to save it of a number of drawbacks.
The combined method allows expanding an analysis stage of algorithm operation results in respect of data processing of the new classes which have not been entered in the catalogue of the radio electronic means. Information acquisition and processing of new classes of radio technical objects, for the purpose of the further automated correction of the catalogue of the radio electronic means, is a vital and a very important task.
Pages: 72-77
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