350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №1 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Application monobit signal processing technology in the information conflict in the electromagnetic spectrum
monobit digital technology
radioelectronic systems
microwave signal
Fast Fourier Transform
Yu.T. Karmanov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Director of Chelyabinsk STC of Digital Signal Processing, branch of JSC «SRI «Ekran». E-mail: karmanovyt@susu.ac.ru
A.N. Nikolaev - Main Engineer, Chelyabinsk STC of Digital Signal Processing, branch of JSC «SRI «Ekran». E-mail: Andrew.N@rambler.ru
Yu.V. Mazurov - Head of Laboratory №20, JSC «SRI «Ekran» (Samara). E-mail: mazurov@list.ru
S.V. Povalyaev - Engineer, Chelyabinsk STC of Digital Signal Processing, branch of JSC «SRI «Ekran». E-mail: svp.drts@gmail.com
In this article analyzes the possibility of using monobit digital signal processing technology in broadband devices of receiving and analyzing microwave signals.
It is shown that the classical ways of expanding the frequency range of receiving and analyzing devices for microwave signals cannot provide the required width of the frequency range of broadband electronic countermeasures systems and electronic reconnaissance systems.
At the present stage of development of electronics significantly extend the frequency range of receiving and analyzing devices for mi-crowave signals can be achieved through the use of monobit digital processing technology of microwave signals.
Shows the structure and algorithms for signal processing in a typical monobit digital microwave signal processing device. It is shown that monobit digital processing technology of microwave signals allows quick detect and roughly determine the parameters received microwave signals.
The article describes the structure and operation of broadband digital device «MSA» developed by the staff of the Research Institute of digital processing systems and information security of the South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk) and the Research Institute «Screen» (Samara) on the basis of monobit digital processing technology of microwave signals.
Digital device «MSA» allows reception, detection and measurement of pulsed, quasicontinuous, and continuous microwave signals in the range of 500−6000 MHz carrier frequency on the basis digital monobit rapid detection and measurement of carrier frequency of the received signals in short quanta input microwave signal duration 100−150 ns.
Pages: 66-71
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