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Journal Radioengineering №9 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Determination of mutual impedances matrix for system of radiators of phased antenna array
A.S. Cherepanov - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Peter The Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University. E-mail: ascherspb@mail.ru
The problem of adequate calculation of phased antenna arrays is very urgent. This paper presents a method of calculation of mutual influence of separate radiators in phased array due to interaction via free space. An algorithm of approximate calculation of mutual impedance matrix in phased array has been proposed. It was shown, that to calculate this matrix it is enough to know partial pattern diagrams of radiators, which form the phased array. In this case the distance between radiators may be rather small. Here we partly restore information about near field from far field. Finally an asymptotic formula has been obtained, which allows to obtain components of mutual impedance matrix rather accurately.
Pages: 78-87


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