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Journal Radioengineering №8 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Surface acoustic waves and magnon crystals
surface acoustic wave
spin wave
magnonic crystal
yttrium iron garnet
magnonic band gap
electronic tuning
metal film
electrical conductivity
R.G. Kryshtal\' - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Fryazino branch of Kotel\'nikov IRE of RAS
A.V. Medved\' - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Department, Fryazino branch of Kotel\'nikov IRE of RAS
A magnonic crystal exhibits a magnonic band gap in which the propagation of magnetic (spin or magnetostatic) waves is forbidden. Such a band gap is due to the artificial periodicity of the magnetic properties of the magnetic crystal. Such a periodicity in YIG may be produced by SAW (wave of elastic deformations) as perturbation of its magnetic properties due to magnetostriction in YIG. In this paper experimental results on investigation of magnonic crystals arising at SAW propagation in YIG as an artificial structure for surface magnetostatic waves propagation are presented. Tuning of magnonic gap frequency and gap depth were obtained by changing frequency and intensity of SAW that was explained in the frame of inelastic scattering of magnetostatic waves by SAW. The peculiarities of manifestations of nonreciprocity in such magnonic crystals built on the basis of structures \"gallium-gadolinium garnet (GGG) ? YIG film - and - GGG - YIG - Al film\" are considered. It was shown that in structures without metallization, the frequency of magnonic gaps is dependent on mutual directions of propagation of the SAW and SMSW, showing nonreciprocal properties for SMSW in SAW- magnonic crystals even with the symmetrical dispersion characteristic. In metalized SAW- magnonic crystals the shift of the magnonic band gaps frequencies at the inversion of the biasing magnetic field was observed. Measured dependencies, showing the decrease of magnonic gaps frequency and the expansion of the magnonic band gap width with the decreasing of the metal film conductivity are given. The obtained experimental results can be useful for the development of new sensor devices and devices for information and signals processing in the GHz range.
Pages: 38-46
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