350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
The method of signal processing of relative phase modulation upon the condition that adjacent low-frequency modulated oscillation samples correlate
relative phase modulation
low-level signal
high-level signal
sampling interval
stationarity interval
correlation coefficient
E.I. Algazin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department «Electronics and Electrical Engineering», Novosibirsk State Technical University. E-mail: sa@koe.ref.nstu.ru
A.P. Kovalevsky - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Department of Higher Mathematics, Novosibirsk State Technical University
A.V. Sapsalyov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department «Electronics and Electrical Engineering», Novosibirsk State Technical University
E-mail: sa@koe.ref.nstu.ru
D.V. Makarov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Junior Research Scientist, Department «Electronics and Electrical Engineering», Novosibirsk State Technical University
Yu.M. Veshkurtsev - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department «Radio Technical Devices and Diagnostic Systems», Omsk State Technical University
The new method of signal processing of relative phase modulation is proposed and studied. It is based on the samples processing of a quantized signal consisting of two segments of low-frequency sine wave modulating oscillation. The sinusoids can be either in the same phase or in different phase. When sine waves have the same phase, a high-level signal is transmitted. In this case, the same named samples of an oscillation are summed and then the absolute values of such sums are accumulated. The sum of accumulated absolute values is equal to twice the sum of the first segment samples of a sine wave. When sine waves have different phase the sum of accumulated absolute value is zero i.e. low-level signal is transmitted.
The proposed signal processing is studied in the presence of additive noise, when only consequent samples of low-frequency modulated oscillation correlate.
In order to reduce the influence of additive noise the method of signal samples accumulation with averaging is used.
This improves the noise immunity of radio systems by using the proposed method of signal processing without need of error-correcting code. The probability of error is calculated for the electronic system based on this method of signal processing and then compared with the noise immunity of a system with redundancy in the form of the use of error-correcting code (Golay code (24, 12)) that exploits the relative phase modulation.
The proposed method of samples processing of low-frequency modulated oscillation is simple, which leads to the simplicity of hardware implementation and a low cost of the radio system based on the proposed method
Pages: 104-109
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