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Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Visualization of terahertz radiation
A.S. Oleynik - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department EPU, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University (Saratov). E-mail: medmixal@yahoo.com
M.A. Medvedev - Student, Department EPU, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University (Saratov). E-mail: medmixal@yahoo.com
The article considers constructions of visualizers of THz radiation using cholesteric liquid-crystal film. Registration of THz radiation is provided by seeing a colour spot on the screen of the device. The possibility of visualization of terahertz radiation is in the range 177-260 GHz with power density of 33-50 mW / mm2. Sources of the intensive THz radiation is the backward-wave oscillator OV24. The backward-wave oscillator-s exit of waveguide has size of 1,1×0,55 mm.
Also, in the article, the constructions of visualizers of THz radiation using Al-VOx structure is considered. The structure has three gradations of the image brightness. Al-VOx structure has a long duration memory mode if it works in thermostatting mode at the middle of hysteresis of optical properties.
The preliminary estimations of threshold sensitiveness of visualizers are shown. Threshold sensitivities of visualizers by an order less than the one of visualizers with cholisteric LCD-composition.
The described constructions of visualizers open the prospects of their use for direct visualization of THz radiation. The visualizers can be used in the conditions of laboratory, workshop, and field terms.
Pages: 31-34
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