350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №6 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Ontologic model for contextual search of electronic documents in design organization archive
A.M. Namestnikov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Information Systems», Ulyanovsk State Technical University. E-mail: nam@ulstu.ru
R.A. Subkhangulov - Post-graduate Student, Department «Information Systems», Ulyanovsk State Technical Uni-versity. E-mail: subkhangulov-ruslan@yandex.ru
The article discusses the use of intelligent agents to generate requests to the electronic archives of documents. Intelligent agent uses the description of the subject area in the form of applied ontology to specify domain-specific user requests for electronic archives. In fact, the intelligent agent has information about the preferences of the electronic archive users. This information has conceptual representa-tion and dynamically changes depending on the changing needs of the users.
Intelligent agent tasks identified in the work: knowledge extending of the subject area; user needs analysis; the formation of a ranked list of documents on the basis of the user needs analysis in a search engine.
The process of formation of the designer ontological profile as an intelligent agent\'s component based on information extracted from Wi-kipedia. They used hyperlinks between the pages. They determine the semantic relationship between concepts. Based on a system of hyperlinks, it is possible to automatically switch from one page to another, extracting knowledge of the domain concepts.
In this paper a request for information and documents are conceptual representations. They are considered as fuzzy sets. They use the term «degree of inclusion» to calculate a measure of similarity between the query and the document, which corresponds to the operation of a fuzzy set inclusion.
A system of ontological search for electronic documents, consisting of the automated conceptual network using wiki-resources subsystem and ontological search subsystem for electronic documents based on the use of the user\'s information needs. With these subsystems were carried out computational experiments.
Pages: 73-78
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