350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №5 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Improving accuracy of capacitive level measurement
B.A. Atajants - Ph.D. (Eng.), General Director, LLC «Kontakt-1», Ryazan. E-mail: market@kontakt-1.ru И.В. Баранов - Ph.D. (Eng.), Leading Engineer, LLC «Kontakt-1», Ryazan. E-mail: postmaster@ivb.ryazan.ru В.П. Рынин - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Ryazan state radio engineering University. E-mail: Rynin_homebox@mail.ru
Capacitive level meters, widely used in industry and agriculture, have a significant disadvantage which significantly reduces the quality / price ratio in comparison with other level meters (negates its advantages such as simplicity and price). The shortcoming is connected with influence of electric characteristics of environments near border of the product on the measurement accuracy. The foliowing methods of increasing accuracy of measurements for capacitive level meter are known: preliminary calibration, use of reference capacitor, special profile electrodes. Much less often f the reference points allowing to correct measurement of the level meter during filling storage are used or decrease an error. Each of the listed methods has the merits and demerits. Recent developments in the field of miniature capacitor chips Q-touch sensors allow to look at possibility of application reference points in a new way. This article describes increasing accuracy of measurement by the capacitive level meter in changing environment\'s electrophysical characteristics during filling of storage. According to the analysis of operating conditions of the instrument it was decided to use the capacitive sensor AD7747 (Analog Devices) controlled by the miniature controller ATMEL - ATtiny13. The evaluation of sensitivity reference points and possibility of their use in various operating conditions of the temperature probe is carried out. Algorithm of blocks functioning and results of real world tests are given. The patent of the Russian Federation for upgraded device is taken.
Pages: 102-108


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