350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №5 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Three-dimensional radio-vision on the basis of onboard Doppler RLS
V.K. Klochko - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor of Chair «econometrics and mathematical modeling», Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail: KlochkoVK@mail.ru
In work the task of formation of the three-dimensional radar image of a terrestrial surface on the basis of onboard Doppler RLS of low-level flight is set. The signals accepted by the antenna in parallel and independently pass the path of preprocessing including a phase detecting, a low-frequency filtration and analog-digital transformation in the RLS reception channels. The received temporary sequences of complex signals in each element of permission of range in several reception channels indepen-dently move on algorithms of discrete or fast transformation of Fourier at which exit frequency sequences in the range of Doppler frequencies with a permission step on frequency are formed. In this range the sequence of frequencies corresponding to reflection from elements of a terrestrial surface within width of the directional pattern of the antenna is allocated. Each such frequency corresponds to one or several elements of reflection. The task consists in finding of estimates of coordinates of elements of reflection in range elements at the specified frequencies on the basis of the signals accepted at the same time in several channels. Concrete algorithms the solutions of this task based on multi-channel processing and receiving estimates of spatial coordinates of elements of reflection are proposed. Applicability of algorithms is shown by method of computer modeling. These algorithms can find application in the existing onboard systems of supervision over a terrestrial surface in the modes of forward and forward- lateral reviews of the district. Introduction of such algorithms increases safety of low-level flights.
Pages: 35-40


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