350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №4 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Forward scattering radars in the air terrorism struggle system
S.S. Gremiachensky - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist
There is examination of a possibility application of passive bistatic forward scattering radars for detection of the unmanned air vehicles for the anti-infantry mine in the practice (in a aid) of struggle with the air terrorism and its effecttiveness estimation. Possibilities and expediency of there radars are provide and the application practical method is describe. That method based on self-mixing, i.e. the substitution of heterodyne for leakaged straight signals as the local oscillator. For estimation efficiency of this method, the required methodical approach was developed and the nume- rical estimation was carry out. As a example, the transmitter of the GSM-900 cellular system base station was estimated. As shown the obtained results, passive bistatic forward scattering radars with self-mixing are fully effectiveness for using as the target sensor. The defensive shielding is to be consist of the mine barrier consisting from 11 mines for 100 m front targets.
Pages: 142-152


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