350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №4 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Method of moments used to calculate antenna characteristics in dissipative mediums
I.N. Pestovsky - Head of Military Representation of Russian Defense Ministry
Practice of HF communication complexes creation suggests locating antennas in ground surface layer which itself is a semiconductor medium in order to achieve the necessary operating ability. Approaches to electrical characteristics calculation of underground antennas are different from highly elevated ones. This is a result of considering medium geoelectrical parameters. Method suggested allowing underground antennas electrical characteristics calculation, when antennas are located in ground surface area. Method is founded on method of moments, generalized up to the case of linear antennas in dissipative mediums. Antenna construction peculiarities and medium geoelectrical characteristics are considered in calculation. Calculation results and experimental data for turnstile multiunit underground antenna are listed. Conclusion of method validity for the problem in question is made.
Pages: 51-57


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