350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №4 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Investigation of the influence of climatic and mechanical factors on the characteristics of stripline antennas placed in dielectric shelters
stripline antenna
radar dome
climatic factors
mechanical factors
radiation pattern
voltage standing-wave ratio
mobile communication system
S.Y. Aronov - Post-graduate Student, Head of Laboratory, JSC «Concern «Automation»
E-mail: asy@oao-avtomatika.ru
I.A. Gerasimov - Post-graduate Student, Leading Design Engineer, JSC «Concern «Automation»
E-mail: gia@oao-avtomatika.ru
M.A. Minkin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Main Research Scientist, JSC «Concern «Automation»
E-mail: mma@oao-avtomatika.ru
In article influence of antenna radio-transparent shelters in the conditions of atmospheric and operational actions on electrodynamic characteristics of strip antennas is considered. Results of calculations of coefficients of a standing wave on tension for model of distribution of electromagnetic wave through a dielectric wall of the antenna shelter having different geometrical form, material, covered with a sheet of water, or an ice crust, and also influences on results of simulation overfall of temperatures and impact of vibrations are given.
Radio-transparent jackets are intended for protection against the external influencing factors and conditionally share on a row of signs: on general purpose - radio-transparent blisters (RTB), radio-transparent shelters (RTS); as objects and systems; on the ranges of the used radio waves; in the form of external contours - plane, spherical, hemispherical, etc.; on construction of a radio-transparent wall.
Strip antennas of the VHF-band and UHF-band also belong to types of the antennas having in the construction of RTS. For implementation of such antennas low-profile omnidirectional radiators on the basis of L and F-shaped structures are used. The accounting of geometrical parameters and operating conditions superimposes specific requirements to similar antennas and their shelters.
The purpose of operation is the estimated assessment by method of the moments of electrodynamic characteristics of the strip antennas placed in dielectric shelters, their variability in the conditions of atmospheric and mechanical actions. Within the conducted researches different options of executions of shelter were considered: in the form and brand of material. For comparing the quadrangular, hemiellipsoidal and hemispherical form RPU and the following almost used materials were selected: ABS plastic, VFT-S glass fiber laminate and polyurethane.
Set of the climatic and mechanical factors operating on model was based on the durability requirements for the respective types of products. Influence of the atmospheric falling-out precipitation in the form of a rain and existence on shelter of a blanket of ice was in addition modelled.
The conducted researches showed that in general influence of climatic and mechanical factors on characteristics of strip antennas is essential. The results, including the results of comparative evaluation for the cover of various shapes from a variety of materials can be used in the design of antennas.
Pages: 6-11
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