350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №3 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Argumentation of possibility of combined application of goniometric and goniometric-power methods of passive location
Y.G. Bulychev - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department, OJC «VNII «Gradient» (Rostov-on-Don) E-mail: ProfBulyсhev@yandex.ru I.G. Nasenkov - Deputy General Director, Concern «Radioelectronic Technology» S.S. Ivakina - Part-programming engineer, OJC «VNII «Gradient» (Rostov-on-Don) E-mail: gradient@aaanet.ru
At the present time two-position variant of the passive location system construction on the ground of the known goniometric (trian-gulation) method (GM) is essentially attractive from technical and engineering viewpoint. However the application of that variant is limited first of all by the presence of so-called triangulate-incorrect areas (TIA) joining to the line on which system direction finders are found. The estimation error of target location while target materialization in TIA may be arbitrary large. Goniometric-power method (GPM) of passive location which alongside with measuring of target angular coordinates introduces impli-cation into calculation of power or amplitude measurements of received signals is progressing for the removal of assigned limitation. The conception of use of power (amplitude) measurements is not new, but, did not obtain adequate theoretical justification to this day, especially in the line of GM and GPM multiple use with provision for pros and cons of these methods. New academic facts supporting possibility of adequate integration of GM and GPM with provision for TIA as applied to two-position variant of the passive location system construction are deduced in suggested paper. The mathematical apparatus of construction of GM and GPM operating spaces is formulated for this purpose and their extensive comparative analysis is given. The effect of GPM primal constraint on its procedure error is analyzed. The possibility of GPM estimate gating with the help of contributed GM estimates in case that target misses TIA is shown. Mathematic simulation results supporting theoretical conclusions are deduced.
Pages: 128-136


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