350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №3 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Portable Ultrawideband Radar for detection of people and vehicles in a wooded area
A.V. Zaitsev - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor
V.S. Azarov
O.O. Krasavtsev
A.A. Tereshchenko
D.A Kichulkin
Armed forces of many countries use Radio Detection and Ranging equipment for reconnaissance of ground targets.
The use of ultra-wideband (UWB) signals in these types of radars provides increased efficiency of detection of people and vehicles. This is also one of the promising areas of their modernization.
The main advantages of the usage of UWB signals are the following: reduction of the terrain feature influence in case of multipath wave propagation; concealment of the work of Radio Detection and Ranging equipment; electromagnetic compatibility; efficient use of the limited frequency spectrum; moderate radiating power; high discrimination power.
A prototype of digital pulse-Doppler radar with a quasi-continuous radiation and long-term accumulation of echo was created. A coherent sequence of simple square-wave radio pulses was supposed to be used as a probe signal.
Pages: 10-13
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