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Journal Radioengineering №3 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Modeling Signal of crawling intruder in the radio wave means of detection with buried antennas
N.N. Tokarev - Ph. D. (Eng.)
In work the scope of modeling of signals of radio wave sensors (RWD) with underground antennas begun in earlier published works of the author is continued. Feature of radiowave detectors with underground antennas is the maximum intensity of an electromagnetic field near an earth surface that allows to find surely creeping violator. For modeling of a signal of the creeping violator earlier accepted approximations and assumptions, fair in the certain ranges of frequencies, distances and parameters of the environment are used. As model of object violator horizontally focused cylinder is used. Difference (in comparison with the vertical cylinder as model of the going violator) is other type of a number of Rayleigh and other area of integration of a secondary field in model of process electromagnetic field diffraction. Using the offered model calculations and the analysis of signals in various conditions are done.
In comparison with a signal of the going violator, in the stipulated range of frequencies and dimensions of object the signal of the creeping violator has the smaller amplitude (an order of units of percent), smaller level of lateral fluctuations, direct dependence of amplitude on dimensions of object violator, frequency of the probing signal.
Comparison of results of modeling with experimental data showed their satisfactory compliance
Pages: 6-9
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