350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №2 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Synchronization of quantum key distribution system using single-photon pulses registration mode to improve the security
K.E. Rumyantsev - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department, Institute of Computer Technology and Information Security of SFU (Taganrog) E-mail: rke2004@mail.ru A.P. Plyonkin - Post-graduate Student, Institute of Computer Technology and Information Security of SFU (Taganrog) E-mail: pljonkin@mail.ru
The research is to assess of the quantum key distribution system (QKDS) in synchronization mode. Synchronization methods of optical systems are described. Showed, that the multiphoton synchronization mode enables for eavesdropper to use him devices for false synchronization. Algorithm of photon pulse search with single-photon counting system are proposed. In moment of photon registration searching process known period and duration of optical pulses. The time interval equal pulse duration divided into many «time windows». One «time window» analyzed many times and registered signal photons or dark counts. «Time window», who registered most signal photons is «signal window». Expressions for calculation of the probability characteristics QKDS on the first stage searching using photon pulses to enhance security from eavesdropping are obtained. The influence of the photon pulse parameters, the single-photon detector and equipment search with single photoelectrons counter by the properly probability are evaluated. Expressions for calculation a limit probability of wrong signal detection. A method for designing QKDS in synchronization mode are proposed. The algorithm of photon pulse search with given error for simplified calculation of probability are proposed.
Pages: 125-134


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