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Journal Radioengineering №2 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Structural synthesis and optimization of instrumentation amplifiers on the base of differential difference amplifiers. 2. Instrumentation amplifiers on the base of two differential difference amplifiers. Results of structural synthesis
S.G. Krutchinsky - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Radio Engineering Systems and Management Institute of SFU (Taganrog) E-mail: sgkrutch@mail.ru A.E. Titov - Post-graduate Student, Radio Engineering Systems and Management Institute of SFU (Taganrog) E-mail: alex.evgeny.titov@gmail.com
The solution of practical problems of synthesis of optimal instrumentation amplifiers by qualitative indicators associated with truncation of the generalized structure of electronic circuits based on differential difference amplifiers (DDA). Formulated in «Structure synthesis and optimization of instrumentation amplifiers on the base of differential difference amplifiers. Theory» functional-topological features of circuits with cancellation effect of influence of bias e.m.f. at zero drift voltage and common-mode gain coefficients of separate DDA, as well as self-compensation of influence of GBW and static gain DDA on working frequency range does not lead to contradictory parametric conditions. The paper discusses the use of these properties of the generalized structure for the task of designing circuit of instrumentation amplifier based on two DDA (minimal number). It is shown that the truncation procedure associated with the solution of simple logical equations, specifying the components of the main vectors and matrix of the structure and implementation of the necessary connections associated with using simple resistive dividers and adders. An expansion of the bandwidth provided by the introduction of an additional feedback loop linking the inputs of the active elements (DDA). Considered the features of the implementation of the compensating circuit feedback, provides the conditions of parametric optimization of zero drift voltage, common-mode gain and the bandwidth of the circuit. Simulation results of the synthesized circuits of instrumentation amplifier in CAD environment PSpice based on adequate components of equipment ABMC. Discussed the possibility of using the «degrees of freedom» for the optimization circuit by other criteria, in particular, by the percent of chip yield.
Pages: 107-113


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