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Journal Radioengineering №2 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Increasing the efficiency of satellite communication systems by optimizing the parameters of the ground stations
satellite communication network
signal direct relay
noise immunity
signal transmission power
information transmission rate
V.M. Artjushenko - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department, Financial and Technological Academy (Korolyov, Moscow region)
E-mail: artuschenko@mail.ru
T.S. Abbasova - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Financial and Technological Academy (Korolyov, Moscow region)
E-mail: abbasova_univer@mail.ru
B.A. Kucherov - Post-graduate Student, Financial and Technological Academy (Korolyov, Moscow region)
E-mail: boris.ku4erov@gmail.com
The article considered increasing the efficiency of using the method of multiple access with frequency-code division by applying the methods of adjustment of power and transmission rate of the ground stations. The benefits of using multiple access with frequency-code division as well as the need to use the methods of adjustment of power and transmission rate of the ground stations to increase the efficiency of using a repeater are noted. The factors influencing efficiency of using energy of repeater are shown.
The concepts of adjustment of power and transmission rate of the ground stations working through one repeater channel in multiple access with frequency-code division mode are developed. The basic energy relations and noise immunity in such system are considered.
A general expression for allowable power ratio of external interference at the repeater input falling within the signal spectrum and signal depending on the required reception quality defined by the signal ratio to total noise power spectral density and interference at the input of demodulator decision device of the ground station and other parameters of the satellite communication lines is derived. Expression for calculation the allowable value of exceeding external noise operating on ground receiver input above repeater signal are derived. Expression of information transmission rate through other satellite communication line parameters is presented.
It was revealed that in the absent of noise or other stations in the band it is possible to reduce the ground stations power to a certain limit almost without losing noise immunity. In the presence of intentional interference it is necessary to reduce the ground station power to the value equal the sum of effective isotopic radiated power of the ground stations and protection rate exceeding the power of acting interference. It was defined that the limit to which effective isotopic radiated power of the ground station can be reduced at a specified noise immunity without reducing the information transmission rate is almost independent of the ground station reactance factor.
It is shown that when satellite transmission facilities working through repeater in signal direct relay mode, adjustment of ground station power allow to reduce energy costs with a slight decreasing relative noise immunity or information transmission rate. As a criterion of optimization of energy costs for a given directions noise immunity can be selected the criterion of minimum total ground stations power with specified percent of reduction of information transmission rate in regard to the maximum rate reached at maximum values of transmitter power.
When optimizing the energy costs for a given information transmission rate as a criterion can be selected criterion of minimum total ground station power with specified percent of reduction of noise immunity in regard to its maximum values reached at maximum values of transmitter power.
Pages: 76-82
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