350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №12 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Technical and algorithmic solutions to create adaptive reception multibeam antenna arrays for radio monitoring tools
V.N. Grib - General Director JSC «Kaluga Scientific Research Radio Engineering Institute» S.V. Kozlov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Deputy Head of Department of Radio Engineering and Antenna-Feeder Devices, MESC «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)
Based on the analysis of peculiarities of functioning, requirements to foster adaptive multi-beam antenna arrays (AMBAA) means of radio monitoring and subject to the limitations on the performance of the processing means identifies the technical and algorithmic solutions foster AMBAA with sum-difference processing. It is shown that taking into account the amplitude and phase errors of reception channels and a priori uncertainty about the frequency of sources of radio emission, the functioning of AMBAA may be based on a two-step iterative procedure beamforming using the algorithm of Frost with setting three limits for each of the rays of AMBAA and adaptive regularization sample correlation matrix of processes at the outputs of the receiving channels. The first stage of the procedure is carried out using the matrix of values of the directional diagrams of channels in the directions of restrictions average frequency operating range of array. On suspended from array\'s beams assesses the central frequency spectra of the signals in the rays, which are used as initial data for the formation of matrices of values of the directional diagrams of channels in the directions of the constraints in the second stage of beamforming. For adaptive regularization of sample correlation matrix suggested use of the criterion of the maximum of the increments of the estimated weighted average powers processes in the array\'s rays. Defines requirements for the performance of the processor to ensure adaptation in real-time and temporal sequence diagram of the operation of AMBAA. The results of the simulation. The results can be used to substantiate the functional-technical review of the foster adaptive multi-beam antenna arrays for radio monitoring tools, functioning in a complex electronic environment.
Pages: 80-88


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