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Journal Radioengineering №11 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Non reboric method of resolution of ambiguity of phase measurements in system GLONASS
V.S. Bakholdin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Radiolocation and Radionavigation, Mozhaysky Military Space Academy (Saint Petersburg). E-mail: bakholdin_vs@mail.ru
Phase measurements are widely used in navigational hardware of customers for obtaining of pinpoint accuracy of navigational determinations and orientation determination. There is a problem of finding of an unknown integral number of lengths of the waves laid in measured distance. Determination of orientation of highly dynamical objects demands an ambiguity solution in real time.
Presence of two carrier frequency allows to synthesise the difference wave length. The magnification of a range of resolution of ambiguity is attained by application of mathematical theory of numbers and a method of not aliquot scales. The ratio of periods of not aliquot scales represents a simple fraction. Two frequency algorithm of resolution of ambiguity for system GLONASS is developed and taken out a license. The algorithm is developed for three carrier frequency with a large range of resolution of ambiguity. Functionability of the offered algorithms is confirmed by mathematical simulation.
In modernization system GLONASS it is offered to radiate frequencies of 1602,18 MHz, 1246,014 MHz and 1203,048 MHz. Usage of the offered frequencies to implement algorithms of resolution of ambiguity in ranges of 6,9 m and 48,8 m.
Pages: 105-111
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