350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №11 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Routings of messages in systems the publication/subscription
V.A. Antipov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Computer and Applied Mathematics,
Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail: parfant@rambler.ru
O.V. Antipov - Master of Engineering and Technology, Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer and Applied Mathematics, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail: oleg@anegmetex.com
A.N. Pylkin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Computer and Applied Mathematics, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail: pylkin.a.n@rsreu.ru
The generalized structure of algorithms of routing on the basis of contents of messages for the distributed systems with architecture the Publication/subscription and the original algorithms developed on its basis minimizing delivery of unnecessary notices is considered.
Pages: 48-54
- Antipov V.A., Antipov O.V., Pylkin A.N. Glava 3. Integracija raspredelennykh programmnykh prilozhenijj na osnove kommunikacionnojj paradigmy publikacija/podpiska // Matematicheskie i kompjuternye metody v tekhnicheskikh, gumanitarnykh i obshhestvennykh naukakh: kollektivnaja monografija. Vyp. 3. Penza; Moskva: Privolzhskijj Dom znanijj; Moskovskijj universitet im. S.JU. Vitte. 2013. S. 36−67.
- Antipov V.A., Antipov O.V., Pylkin A.N. Integracija raspredelennykh programmnykh prilozhenijj na osnove marshrutizacii po soderzhimomu soobshhenijj // Vestnik Rjazanskogo gosudarstvennogo radiotekhnicheskogo universiteta.2014. № 47. S. 75−83.
- Antipov V.A., Antipov O.V., CHekhov A.P. Setevaja infrastruktura edinogo informacionnogo prostranstva virtualnykh medicinskikh organizacijj // Biomedicinskaja radioehlektronika. 2014. № 7. S. 73−81.
- Antipov V.A., Antipov O.V., Pylkin A.N. Obobshhennaja struktura algoritmov marshrutizacii na osnove soderzhimogo soobshhenijj // Vestnik Rjazanskogo gosudarstvennogo radiotekhnicheskogo universiteta.2014. № 48. S. 76−82.
- Antipov O.V. Algoritmy marshrutizacii na osnove soderzhimogo soobshhenija// Matematicheskoe i programmnoe obespechenie vychislitelnykh sistem: Mezhvuzovskijj sbornik nauchnykh trudov. Rjazan: RGRTU. 2014. S. 14−25.
- Antipov V.A., Antipov O.V., Pilkin A.N. Dynamic Publish/Subscribe Systems // 2014 international conference on computer technologies in physical and engineering applications. SPb. 2014. P. 11.