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Journal Radioengineering №10 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
High-power Ka band transmission line with frequency bandwidth of 1 GHz
gyrotron traveling-wave tube (gyro-TWT)
the waveguide path
the waveguide area
calorimetric load
a multimode wa-veguide
single-mode waveguide
A.A. Bogdashov - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Applied Physics of RAS (N. Novgorod)
G.G. Denisov - Corresponding Memeber of RAS, Professor, Institute of Applied Physics of RAS (N. Novgorod)
S.V. Samsonov - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Laboratory, Institute of Applied Physics of RAS (N. Novgorod)
I.G. Gachev - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Applied Physics of RAS (N. Novgorod)
Ya.V. Dominyuk - Head of Department, PJSC «Radiofizika»
V.N. Murzin - Head of Sector, PJSC «Radiofizika»
B.A. Levitan - Ph. D. (Eng.), General Director PJSC «Radiofizika», Head of Department
«Radiophysics and Engineering Cybernetics», Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), Head of Department «Mechanical Design of Antenna-Feeder Systems of Radiotechnical Data Complexes», Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
The article presents the results of development of a multimode waveguide tract of circular cross-section high-capacity Ka-band for the transmission of the microwave signal from a power amplifier of the transmitter based on gyro- TWT for an antenna system. Waveguide tract developed in the frequency range 33.7-34.3 GHz with input pulse power up to 120 kW, duty cycle up to 8 (average power up to 15 kW) with the most uniform amplitude - frequency and phase - frequency characteristics and minimal losses. The article presents the results of measurements of the designed waveguide tract. The resulting value of the nonlinearity of the phase - frequency range is ±10° and the results of measurement of losses in components and separate segments are presented in the article.
Pages: 51-61
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