350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №1 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Problems of efficiency matrix receivers for radio images in astronomy
A.E. Gorodetsky - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering RAS (SPb) E-mail:g27764@yandex.ru V.G. Kurbanov - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering RAS (SPb) E-mail:vugar_borchali@yahoo.com I.L. Tarasova - Ph. D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering RAS (SPb) V.A. Agapov - Junior Research Scientist, Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering RAS (SPb)
Widespread use of radio receivers matrix encounters the need to address a number of specific problems related to the creation of matrices with a large number of densely packed elements, ensuring deep cooling elements, as well as the optimal alignment with the desired size of the elements of the signal accumulation time. Solution to the latter problem is considerably simplified if the size of the matrix to the receiver variable, i.e. adaptively depending on the parameters of observed objects and monitoring purposes, for example detection, examination of the surface properties, determination of the parameters of their displacement, etc. In particular, the matrix detector telescopes millimeter pixel size for maximum sensitivity of the receiver is significantly different from the pixel size, provides maximum spatial resolution aerial. Therefore proposed and discussed a variety of circuit design and algorithmic solutions for the optimal parameters of such receivers for radio astronomy and radio astronomy observations locations by adjusting (adapting) the size of pixels of the matrix of radiation detectors for the observed radiation sources and solvable problems. In this paper, based on the analysis of the dynamics of the mirror system of large-diameter antenna in its movements by the methods of geometrical optics to engineering formulas to calculate optimal to achieve the highest possible sensitivity, size, pixel adaptive matrix receivers. These formulas can be used in the algorithms for matrix control receivers for their adaptation. Moreover, these relations can be used to configure the radio telescope control system for optimum performance at a given sensitivity. The algorithms and adaptive control system matrix receiver that will improve the efficiency of their use to obtain radio images of astronomy in the millimeter wavelength range using optimal sizing pixels receivers within the parameters of the observed objects and observing conditions. Thus there is the possibility of rapid and reliable detection of distant cosmic objects, and then, by reducing the size of pixels, more detailed consideration and clarification of their origin. Developed new algorithms to control the operation modes of radio telescopes greatly increases their efficiency under the supervision of the weak and (or) are significantly distant cosmic radio sources millimeter. In this adaptation algorithms matrix receivers will vary slightly depending on the operating modes of the radio telescope.
Pages: 88-96


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