350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №1 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Research of the IMPATT oscillator in various oscillating modes
Yu.I. Alekseev - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of antennas and radio transmitting devices, Radio Engineering Systems and Management Institute of SFU (Taganrog) I.V. Semernik - Post-graduate Student, , Department of antennas and radio transmitting devices, Radio Engineering Systems and Management Institute of SFU (Taganrog) E-mail: ione7nick@yandex.ru
In the microwave oscillators design process, including IMPATT oscillators usually is able to observe a few modes of operation: stationary generation mode that is usually suite for designer as final mode to produce source of stable microwave oscillations. Furthermore it is has to work also with another modes (multifrequency, self-locked mode for example), parametric borders of that must be researched in detail for prevention undesirable oscillating modes. Thereupon in this work influence of the oscillator-s subset on possible modes of operation is researched. It is need to note that results of researching of the oscillator in deterministic mode agree with theoretical and experimental data that confirm reliability of designed model of researched system. For transition system to the chaotic mode it is need to introduce into oscillator structure inertial feedback that allows supplying to the system input own delayed signal. For this it is need to introduce into the oscillator-s output transmission line discontinuity that provokes appearance of output signal reflecting with certain reflection rate and this signal comes back to the system with a certain phase delay. In this work research results of influence of IMPATT oscillator-s parameters changing are discussed. Bifurcation diagrams for various oscillating modes are giving.
Pages: 76-80


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