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Journal Radioengineering №9 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Perspectives of perfection systems radio wave control of radio physical characteristics coverings and materials
V.V. Mikhailov - Chief Engineer of Electronic Warfare Armies V.A. Ponkin - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Senior Scientific Employee of The Electronic Warfare Research Test Centre of Military Education-Research Center of Military air forces «Military aviation academy named for prof. N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin» (Voronezh)
The task of perfection of systems of radio wave control of radio physical characteristics of coverings and materials is considered. It is shown that a perspective direction of development of systems of radio wave control of radio physical characteristics of coverings and materials is their creation on the basis of matrix measuring systems and development of appropriate methods, mathematical models and algorithms of handling of results of matrix measurements. Matrix measuring systems include set of receiving and transferring elements. Measurements of the fields dispersed by the sample by each receiving element are led at field radiation by each transferring element and their handling with usage of special algorithms. The handling being is reduced to formation of fields of an irradiation and reception with arbitrarily given structure and to calculation of a signal output of the receiving antenna for the given case. As the main advantages of matrix systems of radio wave control it is possible to expect their high informtiveness, simplicity of a design, flexibility, scalability, a coordination of their usage from a computer and with the modern vectorial analyzers of circuits. The composition of solved tasks of control of radio physical characteristics of coverings and materials can be also considerably expanded.
Pages: 80-83

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