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Journal Radioengineering №9 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
The analysis of a method of kinematic selection of the purpose for increase stability of systems of homing of operated ammunition to influence of deliberate hindrances
model of a contour of homing
optical-electronic system of homing
kinematic selection
deliberate hindrances
V.V. Butuzov - First Assistant to the General Director − the Main Designer of the Scientifically Research Institute «Ekran» (Samara)
A.A. Dontsov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Candidate for a Doctors Degree, Military Education-Research Center of Military Air Forces «Military Aviation Academy named for prof. N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin» (Voronezh)
A.V. Nagalin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Deputy Chief of Military Education-Research Center of Military Air Forces «Military Aviation Academy named for prof. N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin» (Voronezh)
A.A. Dontsov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Candidate for a Doctors Degree, Military Education-Research Center of Military Air Forces «Military Aviation Academy named for prof. N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin» (Voronezh)
A.V. Nagalin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Deputy Chief of Military Education-Research Center of Military Air Forces «Military Aviation Academy named for prof. N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin» (Voronezh)
With use of provisions of the theory of automatic control the dynamic model of a contour of homing of missile with kinematic selection of the purpose, intended for research of opportunities of increase of security of system of homing from deliberate hindrances is developed. Kinematic selection of the purpose is based on detection of the fact of existence of a hindrance in sight of watching system of operated ammunition by comparison of value of acceleration of angular speed of rotation of its line of viewing with threshold value and program formation during the time necessary for an exit of sources of deliberate hindrances from a field of view of watching system, team of management of missile according to the extrapolated law of change of angular speed of rotation of the line of viewing of watching system.
With use of a method of not gradient casual search parameters of the scheme of kinematic selection of the rocket at which the maximum probability of hit of operated ammunition in a circle of the purpose of the set radius is provided are optimized.
The method of statistical tests received dependences of probability of defeat of the aircraft by the antiaircraft guided missile with the optimized parameters of the scheme of kinematic selection from an angle of attack at various values of speed of flight of the aircraft.
The analysis of the received dependences showed that efficiency of the scheme of kinematic selection of the purposes is defined by the speed of the attacked aircraft and the rocket angle of attack, influencing the radial speed of the purpose. At attack of low-speed air targets kinematic selection is effective at angles of attack 70-90°, and at attack of high-speed air targets ‒ at angles of attack 30-90°. As a whole for the specified ranges of speeds and angles of attack the method of kinematic selection allows to increase probability of defeat of the purposes in conditions of influence of deliberate hindrances to 0,8-1.
Pages: 30-35
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